Frances Berardino

SCS Information Session 2024

This event has already taken place.


Managing a non-profit can be difficult. Between running key programs, maintaining daily operations, tackling fundraising challenges, and coping with being understaffed can often leave many of us feeling overwhelmed and burned out. At Sustainable Capacity Solutions, we understand these struggles and believe capacity building is a fundamental solution for non-profit organizations looking to increase their impact and reach. Sustainable Capacity Solutions (SCS) is the one-stop shop for the Canadian environmental sector’s capacity needs. Specifically, we work on six key capacity building themes including Financial Management and Fund Development, Governance and Board Development, Volunteer Engagement and Human Resources, Communications and Outreach, Risk Management and Legal Issues, and Leadership and Organizational Culture. 


With recent structural changes and program adjustments, we wanted to take a moment to re-introduce ourselves. On Thursday 14th November 4:00-5:00pm EST, we will be hosting an information session to provide our network with more information on our capacity-building services and we will be discussing the NEW structure of Eco-Internship’s new intern matching program for the 2025 season. If you are interested in being an intern or hosting an intern for the Summer of 2025, we encourage you to attend as we will be going over the timeline including new submission deadlines. This event will not solely be SCS updates and information, it will also include opportunities to reflect and share about capacity within the environmental non-profit sector and your specific organization. We anticipate attendees of this event will: 


  • Understand gaps in your organization’s capacity and areas of key.
  • Gain further insight and understand existing free and low cost supports to help your organization reach its full potential.
  • Connect with other people and organizations experiencing similar challenges.


If you’re interested in attending this event, please sign up here or paste the following link into your browser to register: (https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocOiprzkvGtTDo7syJXCPauO3m9RyMmw2). Lastly, if you’re unable to attend the event but would like the information, please contact us at [email protected]

Address: 2203 Alta Vista Dr, The Apartment Sustainability Office, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9